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          w e   t h e   p e o p l e   m u s i c  .  o r g

"We The People" is a highly memorable musical composition,

using the Preamble to the United States Constitution,

delivered in a "blues-based,

call and response styling."


This composition is the brainchild of Writer Mark Sorrells and  Writer/ Arranger Don Hart, and is vocally led by Gary Pigg and Odessa Settles.


 Participants pictured above, include (Left to Right Standing:) Teresa Ellis/Vox, Thomas Ellis/Prayer Warrior, Lori Lee Loving/Publishing-Cheerleader, Gwen Moore/Vox, Cindy Hudson/Vox, Nathan Young/Vox, Greg Hall/Vox, Don Hart/Writer-Arranger, Carol Pigg/Prayer Warrior-Cheerleader.  (Kneeling Left to Right:) Mark Sorrells/Writer, Greg Fisher/Vox, Suzanne Young/Vox, Bobby Shin/Engineer, Owner of The Library Studio, and Gary Pigg/Lead Vocal.


Pictured below the Group Shot are:

Gary Pigg/Lead Male Vocalist, and Odessa Settles/Lead Female Vocalist. 


"We The People" Music and accompanying arrangements are intended for use by the American People at large, and by anyone inspired by the summary work of The Preamble to our United States Constitution, originally written by Governour Morris in the last days of the Constitutional Convention, 1776.


Please look through, listen, click, and learn more about our Constitution, our rights and responsibilities.  You can support this project by purchasing one copy for yourself at $.99 U.S. Dollars each.  Or, if you like, you can download your copy free, in exchange for letting us know your email !!


Purchase as many copies as you would like, to distribute to your friends, neighbors and countrymen.


Thank you for your support.

Mark Sorrells, Don Hart


The People who, working together, make this American Experiment possible.


Debra Sheridan is Photographer / Videographer for a majority of images seen in this site.

To contact Debra regarding her Professional Services, go here:



For more information, start here:






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